(Setting: In the car, on the way home after picking Grady up from school this afternoon)
Me: Did you have a good day today?
Grady: Yeah.
Me: What did you do today?
Grady: I played on the playground. (his typical response...his FAVORITE thing to do!)
Me: What did you do on the playground?
Grady: I played. And I got a rock in my nose.
Me: You mean you got a rock in your SHOE? (this is a daily occurrence and we always have to dump rocks out of shoes...)
Grady: No, I got a rock in my nose.
Me: How did you get a rock in your nose?
Grady: I put it in there. It stuck.
Me: oh, okay. (Grady tells BIG fibs these days...I then change the subject, not wanting his tale to grow even more...)
Fast forward to tonight:
Setting: Bathroom. Grady is on the potty. I am sitting on the edge of the tub waiting. He lolligags and will sit there forEVER sometimes...
Me: Grady, I need to blow your nose. You've got dried stuff in there! Gross! (He's had a cold and I've had to clean out GROSS yucky stuff lately! I get a tissue.)...Okay, BLOW.
Grady: (does a wimpy blow of the nose)
Me: Come on, you can do better than that! Blow hard!
Grady: (does a tiny bit harder blow than the first time)
Me: (squeezing the tissue on bridge of his nose)
Me: Grady, PUH-lease! Be still. Let me wipe your nose.
Grady: There's a rock in there!
Me: Grady, there's not a rock in your nose.
Grady: Yes it is!
Me: (looking closer)... JOSH!!!! GRADY HAS A ROCK IN HIS NOSE!!!
How he had that thing in his nose all day long and just acted like it didn't bother him one bit is crazy. And I wonder how long it would have stayed in there if I didn't ask him to blow his nose for me. I had to get the tweezers out and tried to pry it out of there, but what actually ended up working was him blowing really really hard and shooting the thing out in my face! YUK! Boys are so gross! Sooooo thankful to have another GIRL in the house... But with my luck, she will want to copy her big brother and be just as gross and he is! ha.
Susan, I won't share YOUR similar story on the blog for the world to see, but tonight, I thought we were going to have to make a trip to the emergency room like we did with you that night long long ago when a routine night of you and me playing "office" ended up with an eraser in your nostril! ha.
Here is the little booger with his rock...
OH.... MY... GOODNESS... I am DYING laughing!!!!!!!!!! hahaha! cannot BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!
Praise the lord the only thing mine is sticking up there right now is fingers. My time will cone. ;)
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