Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween....

from Buzz Lightyear and his ladybug sidekick!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vera...7 months

A little late in posting 7 months pictures of Vera...  But then again, I've been bad at posting PERIOD lately!  Our family has had our share of sicknesses. Basically since August, one of the four of us has been sick pretty much every single week.  We've had three rounds of the stomach virus, which we have given to everyone ELSE in our extended family as well!  Vera is on her second ear infection.  We've also had pink eye, tonsilitis, and strep!  Oh the joys of daycare germs!

As of now, we are all pretty much well (knock on some wood, please!).  Vera is growing like a little weed and is developing such a little personality!  She is a big girl...skinny, but LONG.  She is going to be super tall!  She weighs 16 pounds, 10 ounces now.  She is sitting pretty well...still needs a little assistance or she will flop over, but overall she does really well.  She sat on her own one day for 18 seconds before flopping over (yes, I am a dork and I counted!)  She is so excited over the new freedom to "roam" on her mat on the floor and be closer to her brother as he plays.  She isn't crawling, but you can tell she SO wants to!  She's more into ROLLING than crawling at the moment!  Taking after Aunt Susan on that one!  ha ha.

Here are some recent pictures...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

One for Pete...

Being three must make you the most animated and funny person in the world....  or maybe it's just my three year old.  But lately, the conversations that we have just crack me up so much...  And it totally may be that I am a delirious mom who has had a lack of sleep, rest, and relaxation for the past two months (more to come on that later), so even things that aren't really that funny are funny sometimes.  Anyway...I am rambling (yet another sign of a tired and delirious person!!!)  So here is the conversation from tonight at bedtime, tucking Grady in:

me:  I love you tons!

Grady:  I love you more than ears! (followed by LOTS of giggles)

me:  Ears?  Really?  okay.  Well I am glad you have ears.  If you didn't, then you couldn't hear me.  And I'm glad you have eyes, too!

Grady:  I'm glad I have a mouth.

me:  Oh yeah?  Why?

Grady:  So I can talk to you.

me:  Yeah, I'm glad you can talk to me too.

Grady:  And I'm glad I have I can reach you!  (giving me a huge, wonderful GRADY hug and melting my heart!)

me:  oooh, YES!  I am SO glad you have arms to hug me with!

Grady:  And I'm glad I have hair.

me:  Hair?

Grady:  Yeah, hair.  So I'm not bald!  Like Pete!  He's bald! (followed by TONS of giggles...)

Ok, so it's really not that funny.  But I laughed for two whole minutes without stopping because it cracked me up so much...  Sorry about that, Pete!  ha!  We love you, hair or not!