Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hey Santa....

Grady has come SUCH a long way since last year!  The past couple of years, he was scared of Santa.  Refused to talk to him, or pretty much get near him.  This year he's turned over a new leaf.  Maybe it's the fact that his sister has taken over the terrified role, but whatever the reason, he has decided that Santa's a pretty okay guy. 
So we were at Flowood park tonight with Jenny, Eric, and my parents and Santa was there.  I asked Grady if he wanted to go talk to him, FULLY expecting the response to be NO, I'M PLAYING, MOM! (Usually NOTHING can tear him away from the playground at the park!)  But to my surprise, he immediately said he wanted to go talk to Santa. 
So while we were standing in line to see him (my dad had to hold Vera a short distance AWAY from the Santa set-up because she just wasn't as thrilled as Grady was...ha), I asked Grady what he was going to tell Santa he wanted for Christmas.  He told me that he just wanted to tell Santa that his sister had been really BAD and that he'd been really GOOD!  ha!
When he finally got up there, Vera lucked out and he didn't tattle on her.  He just asked for transformers.  Lucky for Vera.  Oh well, I guess Santa knows the truth!  ha ha


1 comment:

Susan said...

Haven't seen these yet... so sweet :) Proud of you Grady-man! He's growing up ENTIRELY too fast though! :(