I went to the doctor this past week for another ultrasound. My doctor wanted to see how big little miss Vera is at the moment. Or should I say BIG MISS VERA... She is already at 4 pounds and measures 2 weeks ahead of schedule if you look at all of her measurements...the femur bone, the head circumference, etc. So she will be like her big brother most likely. Every trip I've had to the doctor has been a good report so far. No problems with blood sugar, blood pressure, weight gain, anything... I just have big babies! Runs on both sides of the family, unfortunately. Josh was almost 10 pounds when he was born. I was 9. Grady-man was 12 days early and weighed 8 lb., 5 oz. So my doctor is really watching Vera because she doesn't want her to weigh 10 pounds... Neither do I! ha. She told me that she will most defnitely NOT let me go all the way until my due date (which is April 2nd), so it looks like we will have a little girl in March! WOW! That is just around the corner!
We have been working really hard trying to make room in our house for another little person...And with her arrival being practically a month and a half or so away, it's REALLY starting to sink in that things are about to change SO much around here! It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in just a few years of living in a house! Over the Christmas holidays, I parted with TONS of stuff... mainly school stuff from years of teaching Kindergarten. We cleaned out the "office" which is now Vera's room and totally re-did Grady's nursery to make it a "big boy" room. (pictures to follow in another post). We gave away furniture, packed up stuff to take to the GoodWill, and boxed up stuff for the attic. I gave an entire car load FULL of Kindergarten stuff to Grady's school. SO hard to let go of that stuff, but SO happy to walk in his classroom and see his teachers using it with the kiddos! :) Better than it sitting in the attic and getting no use whatsoever.
So needless to say, we have been pretty busy around here getting ready for Vera. Sorry for the lack of blog posts. I am going to post pictures of Grady's room in the next post. We completed it today! Vera's is still "in-the-process" as I am working on some artwork and we have a few things left to hang. Will post pictures of her nursery soon!