Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Grady's 12-month checkup was this morning. Here are his stats:
Weight: 24 lbs. 13 oz. (80th Percentile)
Height: 31 3/4 in. (95th Percentile)
Head Circumference: 19 1/4 in. (greater than 95th Percentile...which is "off the charts" ha...thanks, Dad!)

Everything was fine and he is a growing little man... BUT Dr. Flowers said it is time to get rid of the bottle! We have had a struggle with this lately... it's time to go into "Bottle De-tox Mode," I'm afraid! Grady, for some reason, refuses to drink from a sippy cup. We have tried 4 different kinds of sippy cups. We've put all different kinds of liquid in them and even given one to him empty just to play with, but the child will not drink out of it. And what's even worse,... he throws a temper tantrum every time you try to give it to him. I'm not talking about a little cry or whimper... but a full-blown FIT! AGH! I know this is going to make me pull every strand of my hair from my head before the summer is over... SO, if you have any suggestions of what I can do as we are entering Bottle-Breaking-BootCamp, PLEASE leave me a comment and tell me what to do and what I've done wrong!


alissa said...

oh no! JH chews on them but doesn't seem to understand gravity. He just waits for me to hold it up for him. Have you tried getting one and holding Grady like you are giving him a bottle and you hold it? I'm sorry I don't have any good advice. Good luck!

Jessica said...

I don't know what kind of bottles you use, but we had Born Free. And those had a sippy cup nipple that could be used with the bottle. So in other words, it was the same bottle Emma had always known, but just a different type nipple that allowed the liquid to come out faster. It was an easy transition because we went from the regular bottle, to the "sippy cup" bottle, then on to full fledged sippy cups. I don't know if all bottles have that option, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case. Good luck!

Laura and Jeff said...

I feel your pain. It took Jakob forever to get use to sippy cups too. I think it has something to with sucking because with a sippy cup you don't suck the same. I went through I don't know how many. The thing that worked best for Jakob was to take out the leak proof device....aka the stopper. Then the liquid comes out easier. I also tired to get a sippy cup that had a silcone top. In due time Grady will figure it all out. I think Jakob was still drinking from a bottle for a few months after his first birthday.
On another quick side note...did you know that your child is as big as my 2 year! Almost exactly the same heigh and weigh. I think Jakob is just a little bit taller and weighs a little bit more, but they are pretty close in size.
Good luck with the sippy cup..patience is the key!

Tate Family said...

I am a mean mama...cold turkey. Wesley finally drank when he got thirsty. But honestly, just like anything else, it is harder on us than them.

Erin said...

Sydney took to the ones with the straw first. But we started her at about 6 months to get used to it. You haven't done anything wrong! Every kid is different. And don't worry, he'll get it. But I agree with the cold turkey comment. What we did with the paci. Whew, it's rough but so worth it in the end. Do it all now while you are out of school! Call me if you need anything!

J Hammer said...

Thanks for all the advice! We used Dr. Brown's Bottles and unfortunately, they have no "transition-to-sippy-cup" stages that I am aware of! (SO sad, too, because we LOVE Dr. Brown's!!!) Anyway, I know that it's time to get mean! The doctor pretty much told me that yesterday. It seems Grady and I have wars every day with the bottle battle! AGHHH!!! I am trying! Hopefully he will catch on soon!

Tate Family said...

I found these, Julie.
How is it going? Update us with how he's doing, bottle-free!