Ok, so I guess I am a mean mom... According to my dad, Grady will be SO embarrassed one day when he sees these pictures. And according to Josh, I am never allowed to pick out Grady's Halloween costume again. Oh well, I personally thought it was hilarious and he was so cute! But I am a bit biased, I guess. (Side note...NO, he is NOT a chicken... he's a baby DUCK!)
Rewind to last year...I had the flu and missed Grady's first Halloween. He was a scarecrow, but we didn't go trick-or-treating because I was sick.
So this year was technically his SECOND Halloween, but the first "real experience" of it! I was seriously doubting that he would trick-or-treat, considering the way he acted with Bully in Starkville last weekend. Josh has been telling me for MONTHS that there is no way that Grady is going to put on the costume that I picked out for him. WELL, he proved us both wrong! He wore the costume and trick-or-treated like a little pro! We had so much fun watching him have fun!
Kitchen Completed ... Well, Almost
11 years ago