I think we forgot just how tough life can be with a newborn. ha. Add a toddler to the mix and then you have chaos times two! When they are both crying at the top of their lungs simultaneously, it can be enough to send you to the mental hospital!
All that aside, we are doing okay! Just learning to adjust to this new way of life. ha. Little Miss Vera does not like sleeping at night. I think she has her days and nights mixed up. We are doing better. A week ago, she was crying for 1-2 hours straight, inconsolably, each night. Nothing would calm her down. She's gotten better thankfully. She usually sleeps pretty hard during the day and I have a tough time keeping her awake. I am working on that to hopefully tire her out for nighttime! She had some issues with gassiness, but so far she is not the spitter that her brother was. That boy spit up so much that we changed his clothes like 5 or 6 times a day and wore bibs constantly. When we went to the doctor last week, she was gaining weight and everything was fine and dandy. We switched formulas and hopefully will see that start to help with her little tummy aches.
Grady still loves his little sister so much and hasn't asked to send her back yet. He is so sweet and gentle with her. When I pick him up from school in the afternoons, I think he is more excited to see her than me! He wants to help with
everything, which sometimes is a bit scary. But so far, so good. She hasn't been hit in the head with a football or baseball yet. Grady is really in to "playing pretend" right now for some reason. I just noticed him doing this alot in the past couple of weeks. Anyway, he has his own "pretend baby" that he takes care of when I am taking care of Vera. He changes his diaper (he's a boy baby of course!), feeds him, puts him in Vera's car seat when she's not in it, etc. Cracks me up. SO glad that Grady has adjusted to Vera the way that he has. He still has a hard time sometimes and we've had quite a few temper tantrums, but I can handle those as long as he is being nice to HER!
Here are a few pictures of the two of them that we took outside the other day...